Daniel Rothman Religious School

Contact us

Allison Charapp, director


(c) 443-871-4126

Learn more about our curriculum

Kindergarten through 3rd grade

During these primary grades at DRRS the children are introduced to Jewish life and learning through hands on experience and activities. This is accomplished through tefillah, arts and crafts, Jewish music and songs, guest speakers, and stories and books. The children are introduced to the Hebrew alphabet, letter and vowel sounds, sight vocabulary, and the recitation of prayers. Their work throughout the year also includes learning more about Shabbat, the holidays, mitzvot, and tikkkun olam. With our dedicated teachers, small class size, and amazing madrachim, we are able to support early learning needs and stragtegies so our students enjoy learning the fundamentals of Judaism and thrive in creating lifelong friendships.

4th through 7th grades

Our upper grade student program features Hebrew and Judaic learning, conversational Hebrew and tefillah, Jewish art, music and song, field trips, special guest speakers, and philanthropy projects. All of our students will have the opportunity to participate in Family and special student-led services throughout the year. Hebrew is taught by committed teachers through the reading and understanding of Hebrew prayer, and modern vocabulary and conversation. To enhance the religious school experience, we also have a chapter of Kadima and USY for our children to learn and grow with their friends outside of the classroom.

B'nai Mitzvah

For our B'nai Mitzvah students there is an individualized tutoring program in addition to their experiences at DRRS. For more information, please contact Allison Charapp at allison@kolshalomannapolis.org. We believe every child's Jewish journey is special and unique, making our work with your child a plan to be decided together to support and celebrate their goals and abilities.

Tikkun Olam

As our preschool now has students in the upper grades of the religious school, the nature based experiences from Tree of Life have impacted our focus at Daniel Rothman Religious School. Tikkun Olam is a driving force in how we approach life, lessons, and the world around us. We regularly receive local grants to improve our outdoor environments, from planting more trees to massive projects decreasing our rainwater runoff into the tributaries that flow to the Chesapeake Bay. Our lessons look at the wonder nature provides connecting God's timeless lessons to life today. It is our mission through awareness, love, joy, and strength to continue to protect and nurture the world throughout our lives.